it's been a very, very long time. why has it been so long? most likely because there's just been other things to do - living a life, for one thing.
i love blogging, and i love the freedom it gives to vent, pseudo-anonymously about silly trifles that, for all intents and purposes, shouldn't mean shit.
but some things do.
so, with many apologies to those i haven't spoken to in a long time and who are finding out the news here and now, i wanted to tell you what's been keeping me so busy lately.
well, i met a gal a while back, and we've been spending a lot of time together. and during that time spent, i realized that i loved spending that time with her, and even more than the time spent with her, i just plain love HER. time with her beats the hell out of time alone - time spent with her is kind of the bee's knees, i guess. i love her so much that i asked her to be my wife, and she said yes.
so, yeah, i'm getting married. september 15, 2007. pinkham notch, NH. unbelievable. unbelievable because i can't wrap my head around the fact that i convinced this angel to hang with me, never mind the fact that she actually finds me sexy. she might be slightly crazy; the tests aren't back yet.
that's the news! that's all from here, and i hope to hear lots of congratulations and "holy shit!" from everyone who reads this. sue and i are incredibly happy. we just moved into our own place, we're having a ball, and life is incredibly, amazingly, startlingly good.